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Welcome Charlotte Mason Home Educators

Our Community

Green Suede

We are all meant to be naturalists, each in his own degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things.

- Charlotte Mason

An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.
- Charlotte Mason

Our Journey

How It All Began

This group was created for Charlotte Mason families to have a nurturing community to grow with - children and moms alike.  To help achieve this goal we meet out of doors every Thursday throughout the year at local parks for free play, hikes, sharing of riches, field trips, and more. 


As a dedicated homeschooling meetup group in Northern Virginia, we value the strong relationships we've built with our community over the years.  It's more than meeting once a week.  We seek to do life together. 


Explore our site to discover more about who we are and what we offer.  Feel free to reach out with any inquiries.


Family Meetup

This group was created for homeschooling moms using the Charlotte Mason philosophy in their homeschooling or are interested in doing so.  It is meant to be a nurturing community to grow together, share, and connect - children and moms alike.  We meet every Thursday throughout the year (2:00 to 4:00 PM during the fall, winter, and spring months, 10 to noon during hotter summer months).  While we understand life happens and you may not be able to have 100% participation, to be part of the BAND group, we do require that you commit to coming regularly and participating in the community.  The last requirement is that all moms must have a picture of themselves in their profile and a short description that identifies who they are moms to. If this sounds like something you are interested in and can commit to, we would LOVE to welcome your family to our group!  Click below to see times you can come for a visit.

Mother's Coffee

This group was created for homeschooling moms to have a nurturing community to turn to. It is designed for us to come together, connect, and share in our motherhood journey. To help achieve this goal we meet one time a month (alternating AM and PM) at various local coffee shops to discuss various homeschooling topics.  While the monthly meetups are not a requirement, we do require regular engagement with the group.  It is a place where we can share ideas openly, where we can get messy, agree, or disagree while being respectful to each other. The last requirement is that each person must have a picture of themselves and a short description identifying how many children they have.  If this all sounds like something you’re interested in we would LOVE to welcome you to our group!  













We are a tight-knit community with a love for nurturing children using the Charlotte Mason philosophy. To facilitate that, we like to share resources, participate in learning groups, and offer discussions on all things Charlotte Mason. If you'd like to learn more, click the button below.












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